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Barnburgh Primary Academy

Barnburgh Primary Academy

Home School Agreement


As a pupil I will:

  • show respect by thinking and acting in a positive way towards myself, others and my school environment.
  • show courage by taking risks when I am learning and standing up for what I know is right.
  • persevere and give my best effort in all that I do.
  • show independence by trying new things all by myself
  • show ambition by always aiming high
  • follow instructions the first time they are given.
  • walk at all times inside the building
  • keep my hands and feet to myself
  • tell a grown up if I am upset or unhappy


As a parent or carer I will:

  • value my child’s education
  • ensure that my child arrives at school on time every day.
  • ensure my child always attends school
  • contact school every day that my child is unable to attend, using the dedicated attendance telephone number.
  • ensure my child is dressed in accordance with our school uniform policy.
  • attend open evenings to discuss my child’s progress.
  • communicate with school regarding any matters which may affect my child’s education or welfare.
  • encourage good behaviour, politeness and respect for others and their property.
  • always treat all stakeholders including other parents, carers, children, staff and governors with respect.


As an academy we will:

  • deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which includes a focus on social and emotional learning, creative expression, physical activity and personal development
  • value each child as an individual and foster independence, perseverance, respect, courage and ambition.
  • encourage all children to take care of their surroundings and others around them.
  • inform parents and carers of their child’s progress at regular meetings.
  • recognise success and achievement.
  • set appropriate homework.
  • promote British Values.
  • provide a safe, caring and well ordered environment.
  • involve parents/carers through both curriculum and community activities.
  • Communicate clearly with parents and carers so they feel well informed.