‘Religious education emphasises respect for others, regardless of their beliefs, race or social status.’
Victoria Purcell
At Barnburgh Primary Academy, our Religious Education curriculum is based upon the Doncaster Agreed Syllabus. By teaching R.E. through a variety of media, including art and drama, we aim for children to become creative and reflective learners who are able to express themselves fluently and confidently. We aim to develop children’s understanding of how religion affects people’s lives and through studying Christianity and other world religions, pupils will be encouraged to celebrate diversity and respect others’ beliefs.
Our Core Values provide the platform on which we have built our curriculum offer at Barnburgh Primary Academy. Our R.E. curriculum is underpinned by our Core Values in the following ways;
We want our R.E. curriculum to help children to;
Our R.E. curriculum has been designed according to the Doncaster Agreed Syllabus. The Agreed Syllabus states that all pupils need to;
R.E. will be taught in ways that engage, inspire and challenge children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to both ask and answer tricky questions. Through a range of stimulating activities, such as drama, art or debate, children will develop an understanding of religious tolerance, enabling them to see the importance of working together to combat prejudice, thus preparing them for adult life, future employment and life-long learning in our multi-cultural society.
Throughout their time at Barnburgh Primary Academy, children will learn about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and non-religious world views. Children record their learning in their own R.E. book. Where appropriate, R.E. learning may also be linked to a community or cultural issue to engage our children in the world around them and to help them understand the role that they play as an individual.
As with the rest of our curriculum, we will make effective use of our local area to enhance the children’s understanding and skills further. Children will have opportunities to visit local places of worship, including St. Peter’s Church and the Jamia Mosque in Doncaster, and meet people from these communities.
Ongoing R.E. assessment is used to inform teacher’s planning. R.E. monitoring takes various forms. A key component of this is pupil voice. School leaders use pupil voice as an effective tool to ascertain the children’s embedded R.E. subject knowledge, vocabulary and skills as well as their love for learning the subject. R.E. book monitoring throughout all year groups also takes place once a term to compliment this, allowing leaders to ensure our children have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills fully. Examples of our children’s R.E. work is exhibited throughout the school, both in classroom and communal displays.
Parents of pupils in Barnburgh Primary Academy are permitted, by law, to request that their child is withdrawn from receiving all or part of religious education and/or collective worship given at the school and any such request shall stand until such time that the parent’s request is withdrawn.
RE Progression Document coming soon